CIMAS Mentoring Program

CIAC sub-committee members: David Die, Emily Becker, Grant Rawson, Jesse Wicker, Nicole Vollmer, Sydney Alhale


The CIMAS Mentoring program is intended to foster professional growth and career development for mentees and mentors. Mentees can gain professional knowledge, skills, and insights through discussion with their mentors, as well as assistance with specific career-related topics such as proposal writing or work/life balance. Benefits for mentors include experience with mentoring and expanding their own networks. Interaction will be driven internally by the mentor and mentee, with collaboratively established goals and direction. This program provides a framework for CIMAS employees to find mentors within CIMAS and NOAA.


Eligible mentors are current employees at UM, ideally CIMAS employees, or NOAA federal scientists at AOML or SEFSC. Mentors can range in career stage from post docs to senior scientists. The most important requirement is that a mentor be dedicated to providing guidance and willing to share knowledge and experience that will be useful to the mentee. Mentor applicants will be required to complete an application briefly describing their research interests, areas of expertise, and interest in mentoring.

To participate as a mentee in this program, you must be a current employee at CIMAS. Mentees can range in career stage from early career to senior scientists. The most important requirement is that a mentee be interested in learning from the experience of their mentor.


Mentors will be paired with one mentee. The program will run for one year, with option to extend if both mentor and mentee wish. The mentor-mentee pair should hold monthly meetings, scheduled in advance. The pair will establish their own goals for the interaction. Guidance and suggestions for discussion topics will be available on request. If either the mentor or the mentee do not feel the relationship is working, this will be brought to the attention of the CIMAS directorate and an appropriate solution will be found.
